Understand the correlation between high masking autism and CPTSD.

Learn the history and effects of gender biases in autism diagnoses. 

Begin understanding how to heal from the complex trauma caused by late diagnoses and masking. 

I started out EXACTLY where you are now.

The number one thing that helped me on my healing journey was building a foundation of knowledge that helped me understand what I was feeling and how I could heal. This guide will help you do the same. 

Kensley Mericci

I am an autistic content creator. I help other autistic women to work through childhood trauma and process their emotions by developing healthy habits and practicing somatic exercises. My special interest is the correlation between complex trauma and autism in high-masking women. I am self studied, having begun my research in 2019. It is my passion to help others to understand themselves while knowing they are not alone in the process. 

Knowledge is healing.

Start your healing journey TODAY.